Found Termite Droppings but No Termites? Likely Not Good.

Identifying termite droppings is crucial for early detection of a termite infestation, which can prevent extensive damage to your property. But what if you find termite droppings but no termites? What could that possibly mean? Here’s the least you need to know: Unfortunately, It normally means you have a termite infestation, but read on to … Read more

How do termites spread? Do they spread fast? House to house?

When you see a neighbor tenting their house for termites, you will likely immediately wonder, how do termites spread? Can termites spread from my neighbor’s house to my house? And if so, do termites spread fast? If you want a quick answer, termites normally get into your home via winged termites. Termite alates are reproductively … Read more

How Long Ants Live (And Other BIZARE Facts About Ants)

How Long Ants Live

Ants are mesmerizing little insects. They’re incredibly social, they live in colonies, and build intricate nests. These facts, however, aren’t the only curious things about ants. The little insects are particularly long-lived. Though there are some differences between species, ants tend to spend quite a bit of time on this planet in comparison to some … Read more

Best Termite Treatment for New Construction Projects (Full Guide)

Figuring out the best preventative termite treatment for new construction projects can be confusing because different regions have different types of termite species. The main two types of termites are subterranean and drywood termites. If your construction project is located somewhere with only one type of termite, your termite control measures will be simpler than … Read more

DIY termite treatment can work (But takes some knowledge.)

Of the ways to get rid of termites that people are interested in, it seems I get the most questions about treatment and prevention methods people can do themselves. Although in most cases it is best to let a professional treat termite infestations within your home or structure, some people prefer to tackle termite problems … Read more

Carpenter Ant Damage (What You Can Expect from an Infestation)

Carpenter Ant

Regardless of the fact that they’re rather small, carpenter ants can cause some big problems. Rarely seen up close, these sneaky little critters can cause some serious damage to your house before they are even detected. Are you suffering from a carpenter ant infestation? Recognizing the symptoms and knowing what things to look for can … Read more

Termite Inspection Cost vs. the Savings They Bring (Is it worth It?)

Termite Inspection Prices

Is a professional termite inspection cost worth it? Or is it better to cut costs and do your own termite inspection? Termites. A dreaded word that no homeowner is ever happy to hear. You failed to get that termite inspection cost done the previous year. This is because you thought that everything looked beautiful and … Read more

Termites in wood furniture (Detection, prevention + removal)

Most people know termites can damage buildings but termites in wood furniture can also wreak havoc. When termites infest wood furniture, they can destroy that furniture fast (relative to a building). The good news, though, is that detecting signs of termites in furniture is easier than finding signs of termites in your home’s structural timber. … Read more

What Color Are Termites?

There are many species of termites which exhibit slight differences in coloration, size, and diet. However, these differences are so slight that it can be hard for anyone other than a biologist or entomologist to spot the differences. The average person is so stunned by seeing a termite on their property that all attention to … Read more

Natural Termite Control (Effective ORGANIC Removal Tips)

Many people are uncomfortable using chemical insecticides in or around their homes in order to control termites and in an attempt to avoid using them they want to learn about natural or termite control methods. There are certain methods of termite control that are more safe and natural than others. But often times there is … Read more

Do Termites Eat Cedar Lumber? What About Cedar Mulch?

Termite Infestation In Cedar Stump

Assuming that termites don’t eat cedar, many homeowners prefer cedar mulch and cedar construction lumber. This assumption is partially correct, but you should be aware that there is some nuance to termites’ relationship with cedar wood. Termites can eat cedar, but do they normally eat cedar? Termites can eat cedar but they tend to stay … Read more

Termites in firewood (Signs of termites in lumber piles & what to do)

Termites in firewood can sneak into your home without you realizing it. Termites are tiny, destructive creatures that can not only destroy entire homes but entire neighborhoods. These insects love old rotten wood, trees, and structures because these provide them with food and nourishment. However, this creates a bad situation for us humans- especially those … Read more

Can termites bite people? (Termites WILL bite if threatened)

soldier termite bite

Termites can bite people, animals, and other bugs, but, normally, humans don’t need to worry about termite bites. When termites do bite people, termite bites rarely cause any harm beyond a minor pinch, possibly drawing a little blood. Termites have a caste known as the soldier or king caste. This termite caste is similar to … Read more

How Do You Get Termites? (It’s NOT What You Think…)

Everybody hates insects, especially those who make colonies in just few hours. Termites, for example, are some of the fastest insects in reproduction, and they, clearly, can dispose of your home and garden to deterioration. So, if you are interested in the beauty of your home and the comfort of your family, you must be … Read more

Can termites see? Are they blind? (the TRUTH about termite vision)

Termite vision

Have you ever wondered whether or not termites can see? Termites appear to be pretty adept at finding their way to wood and wood structures, thus they obviously have methods for successfully negotiating their environments and for avoiding predators.  Surprisingly, however, many termites are indeed blind. In the hierarchy of a termite colony, both soldier … Read more

Termite Frass [an overlooked sign of termites you can spot]

pile of drywood termite droppings and one "kick out" hole just above

Finding termite frass on your window sill or bed can be unsettling to even the most veteran homeowner—or at least it should be. Many homeowners, however, do not know what termite droppings look like or what finding termite excrement in their home might mean about potential termite damage in their home. We will address most … Read more

Termite Traps (TOP Homemade & Advanced Traps that Work Well)

Termite traps have proven to be a promising alternative to liquid termite chemicals or termiticides and costly barrier treatments. Commonly referred to as termite baits, these products are also valuable additions to integrated treatment plans that are implemented in areas with large termite populations and a far higher likelihood of property infestation. Compared to other … Read more

How to prevent termites (Save BIG with termite deterrence)

Every building owner should learn how to prevent termites with deterents, repellents, and preventative strategies. Termites are invasive species of insect that can cause considerable property damage. They can chew through flooring, wood, and wallpaper undetected. They are also capable of causing significant structural harm to the property’s exterior. Of all the insect colonies that … Read more

To get rid of flying termites, seal all cracks (& do THIS.)

Hundreds of flying winged termite alates grouped on a floor.

Everyone wants to learn how to get rid of flying termites after seeing them near or in their home. Finding flying termites swarming around, either inside or outside your home means there is mature termite activity in or near your home because it indicates a nearby termite colony has sent out some termites (the winged … Read more

7 Things You Should Know About Termite Control Costs.

The cost of termite control usually catches people by surprise. Even though many people use the words termite control and termite treatment interchangeably, they are two different actions.  Termite treatment entails extermination (in other words, eradicating an existing termite infestation.) Termite control on the other hand usually refers to the prevention of a termite infestation … Read more

Learn How to Kill Termites Effectively

The first question that springs to mind for people who discover they have a termite infestation in their home is usually, “How do you kill termites?” Well, it’s easy! Just stomp on them… If only it were that simple, right? Unfortunately, how to go about killing termites is a difficult question to answer simply because … Read more

Termites in Winter (Yes, Termites Still INFEST Homes During Cold Months)

If you currently suspect a termite infestation in your home and are hoping that property damages will slow down on their own once the temperatures start to drop, there are several important facts that you should know about termites in winter.  These insects feed constantly. Their eating habits do not vary significantly throughout the year, … Read more

Termite Pheromones (Termite Trails & Interesting Ink Experiments)

Termites are the most social insects in the world. They have a special organization inside their colonies and behave according to a specific order. This organization between termites is regulated by many means of communication. You could wonder how termites–mostly blind insects–can communicate, but they can communicate using some chemicals called pheromones. Here are some … Read more