Termites in Fruit Trees [Identify, Prevent & Treat Them]

termite nest in mango tree broken open

Fruit trees are the gift that keeps on giving. From apples to oranges, cherries to plums, our leafy wonders offer us a cornucopia of sweetness straight from our backyards (or orchards). But what happens when uninvited guests decide to crash the party? No, we ain’t talking ’bout your neighbor Bob, who can’t resist sneaking a … Read more

Termites in Maple Trees [Identify, Treat & Prevent Them]

termites under the bark of a maple tree

Picture your beloved maple tree standing tall and proud, like a wooden sentinel guarding your home. Now, imagine a swarm of termites in your maple tree, secretly gnawing away inside, threatening to topple your arboreal ally. It’s a situation no homeowner wants to face! Termites in maple trees can wreak havoc, causing significant damage or … Read more

Termites in Oak Trees [Prevent, Identify & Treat Them]

termites eating a damp and damaged oak tree core

Picture your oak tree as a towering fortress, standing tall and majestic in your backyard. Now imagine a hidden army of termites, slowly and silently eating away at this wooden citadel. Sound like a horror story? Unfortunately, it could be, but not always. Termites in oak trees can wreak havoc, damaging or even killing oaks … Read more

Termites in Idaho (How common are they, what types + MORE)

If you’re trying to learn about termites in Idaho, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you the termite threat level in Idaho, the types of termites in Idaho, and some resources Idahoans can use to deal with termites. If you’re interested in a specific aspect of Idaho’s termites, check the table of contents … Read more

Termites in Pine Trees (Signs of Them + Treatment Options)

Some people have written to me after seeing termites in their pine trees (or other conifers) on or near their property. Seeing termites anywhere near your property can make you understandably nervous. I have a more general article about termites infesting trees here and you can learn about tree termites here (by the way, most termite … Read more

Termites in Palm Trees [Signs of Them + Treatment Options]

Several people have written to me after finding termites in their palm trees (Arecaceae). Finding termites anywhere around your property can induce fret but especially when you find termites on a beloved tree. Let’s go over specific concerns I’ve heard about termites in palm trees and palm stumps. Here’s what I hear a a lot: … Read more

Termites in Trees [Prevent, Identify, & Treat Them]

termites crawling along tree bark

While most people know that termites can infest homes and damage entire structures, fewer people realize that termites in trees can cause serious problems too. Termites can infest trees and even form several massive termite colonies within a single tree. They can then eventually make their way to your home or damage the tree enough … Read more

Types of Termites in Iowa

If you’re trying to learn more about termites in Iowa, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you the termite threat level in Iowa, the types of termites in Iowa, and resources for Iowans dealing with termites. Interestingly, in 1923, Burlington, Iowa, was the first US city to implement termite prevention into its building … Read more